Our site provides a simple, fast, and worry-free serial number check. A few reasons a person who has come into possession of your stolen gun may not report the firearm to the police or check other stolen firearm sites or forums are fear of getting in trouble, unwillingness to search through hundreds of post looking for a match, or unwillingness to create an account or give up personal information just to perform a search. There are many places online that allow you to post your stolen firearm, but none are quite as simple, anonymous or effective as HotGunz. In most cases this would include reporting the theft to the police, informing your friends, family, and neighbors of the theft, and posting your firearm on the internet. As a responsible gun owner it is your duty to do everything in your power to get your firearm off the streets. A thief cannot easily sell a stolen firearm if everyone knows it is stolen. When Was My Gun Made? Firearm Dates by Serial Numberīefore you purchase a firearm through a private sale I would recommend that you utilized the below link to ensure the firearm is not stolen. In most cases, the dealer will charge you a small fee for this service. Keep the bill of sale indefinitely in a safe place, such as a safe deposit box, in case it's ever needed. Please note that these websites are not official databases, so a weapon may not be on the database and still be illicit. Remarketing Pixels We may use remarketing pixels from advertising networks such as Google AdWords, Bing Ads, and Facebook in order to advertise the HubPages Service to people that have visited our sites. This website uses cookies As a user in the EEA, your approval is needed on a few things.
Premium for antique specimens made prior to 1899 with serial numbers lower than approximately 147685.※ Download: ?dl&keyword=gun+lookup+by+serial+number&source= Deduct 35 percent for carbines without saddle rings. NOTE: Add 10 percent premium for Antique Winchester Model 1894s (pre-1898 manufacture) 100 percent premium for First year production guns, October 1894 to December 1894, documented by the Cody Museum 25 percent for carbines chambered. Buttstock, forearm and saddle ring specifications same as standard carbine. Trappers Carbine: 18", 16", 15" or 14" round barrel. Worth a premium over carbines without a saddle ring. Carbines made prior to 1925, were fitted with a saddle ring on left side of receiver. Carbine: 20" round barrel plain walnut straight-grip stock carbine style buttplate forearm was plain walnut uncapped, with one barrel band solid-frame only. Extra Lightweight Rifle: 22" or 26" round barrel half magazine plain walnut straight-grip stock shotgun buttplate plain capped forearm. Fancy Sporting Rifle: 26" round, octagon or half-octagon barrel solid-frame or take-down full, 2/3 or 1/2 magazines fancy walnut checkered straight-/pistol-grip stock crescent buttplate checkered fancy capped forearm. Sporting Rifle: 26" round, octagon or half-octagon barrel solid-frame or take-down full, 2/3 or 1/2 magazines plain walnut straight-/pistol-grip stock crescent buttplate plain capped forearm. Model 1894s were available in several different configurations: 1. Between 18, approximately 2,550,000 Model 1894s were sold. Guns with extra-cost options should be evaluated by an expert to determine proper value. Case colored Model 1894s are rare and worth a considerable premium, perhaps as much as 1,000 percent. Case-hardened frames were available as an extra-cost option.

All Model 1894s were furnished with blued frames and barrels. Model 1894 was the first Winchester developed especially for the smokeless powder. Values given here reflect those rifles produced before 1964, or around serial number 2550000. Browning patent, Model 1894 was the most successful centerfire rifle Winchester ever produced.